Category: Uncategorized
Texas Distance Project – week 3 roundup
Top runners only… commentary updated soon. GIRLS 800M ATHLETE SCHOOL GR MEET TIME Addison Bristow Canyon 11 Canyon Invitational 2:08.08 Mia Perez Smithson Valley 12 Smithson Valley Ranger Relays 2:10.31 Caila Lyons Northside Brennan 12 Border Olympics 93rd Annual Meet] 2:10.48 Yaneli Rocha McAllen 11 Smithson Valley Ranger Relays 2:11.49 Daniela Shelfo Northside Taft 10… Read more
Texas Distance Project-Week 2 roundup
Welcome to the second week of the Texas Distance Project, where we give you an update on how middle distance and distance runner excelled over the previous week. Since we missed the girls last week, we will start there. One caveat, there were many meets that were cancelled due to the cold and wet conditions.… Read more
TDP Week 1 Girls’ Rundown (2/23/25)
I apologize for not having this completed in time to be posted on MileSplit. The Boys’ version was an experiment on the format of what I wanted to accomplish. It will change a bit from week-to-week, but try to honor kids in each event (800, 1600, 3200) every week. Of course there will be times… Read more
Welcome to the Texas Distance Project
This is a website created to cover the best runners in Texas in events 800m and beyond. Come here every week during the indoor and outdoor seasons to follow how Texas runners are faring. Read more